Corporate Fraud Litigation Is the Key to Recovery for Swindled Businesses

by | Oct 6, 2021 | Blog

Learn how your business can recover after becoming a victim of fraudulent business dealings. Corporate fraud litigation may be what you need.

Running a business requires not only serving your clients but also entering into contracts and relationships with other businesses. In some cases, the other business may make promises that they are unable to keep—or worse, they never intended to deliver on their promises from the start.

In situations where a business partner intentionally misrepresented their company, you may have a claim against them for any damages that your business suffers as a result. If that is the case, you should seek the services of a fraud litigation attorney.

What is corporate fraud?

Corporate fraud—also known as business fraud—refers to dishonest and illegal activities committed by individuals or business entities with the goal of obtaining a positive financial outcome for the company and its associates. A fine line exists between intentional misrepresentation (fraud) and negligent misrepresentation. While you can file a lawsuit for either, for the sake of this article, let’s focus on intentional misrepresentation.

To make a case for fraud, you must be able to show that the following occurred:

  • The defendant made a false statement concerning a material fact.
  • The defendant understood that the statement was false.
  • The intention behind the statement was to convince you to take a certain action.
  • You suffered an injury because of the false statement.

As you can see, the criteria for corporate fraud litigation are relatively broad. You and your attorney will need to devise an airtight strategy for arguing your case, so it is critical to find a lawyer who has courtroom experience.

Some Examples of Corporate Fraud

Fraud can occur within many different contexts. Small and large businesses are at risk of being victimized by fraudulent activity. Some common examples of business fraud include:

  • Accounting fraud: Misrepresenting financial figures such as income, profits, and expenses to deceive investors.
  • Tax fraud: Deceptive tactics that decrease tax liability.
  • Insurance fraud: False claims or inflated damages for an insured event.
  • Identity fraud: Claiming to be another person to take advantage of their finances or their business’s finances.
  • Billing fraud: Making false claims for expenses incurred.

Your business may be a victim of these tactics, a combination of these tactics, or other schemes. If you think you might be a victim, you should review your business’s finances and contracts.

After finding evidence of fraud, you should consult with an attorney to explore your options for recovery. Corporate fraud litigation may be your best option to recover your losses. Not only are the perpetrators at risk of criminal proceedings—they may also be liable for your financial hardship.

Corporate Fraud Litigation Can Help Your Business Recover

Has your business been victimized by fraud? You don’t have to take it sitting down. Get in touch with a corporate fraud litigation expert today to discuss your options. At Saltiel Law Group, we are here to help you recover.